{(set: $likeability to 0)
(set: $gaslighting to 0)
(set: $favfood to false)
(set: $plantmilk to false)}
(live: 0.5s) [‘Sarah is typing’ <audio src= "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Notification.mp3" autoplay> (stop:)]
(live: 1s) [Hm..?(stop:)]
(live: 2s) [Hey, any plans for Valentine’s day?<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>
(live: 3s)[
[[*rolls eyes*]](stop:)]==>
Hey, any plans for Valentine’s day?
(live: 1s)[Ugh. What is it with you women and Valentines?(stop:)]
(set: $gaslighting to it +1)
(live: 2s)[I’m gonna take that as a no.<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>
(live: 2.5s)[What happened? Your roster got too clingy?<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>
(live: 3.5s)[Something like that let’s say.(stop:)]
(live: 5s)[Well… maybe you’d like to watch a movie?<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>
(live: 5.2s)[– as friends!<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>
(live: 6s)[
[[I’d rather –]] (stop:)]==>
Hey, any plans for Valentine’s day?
(live: 1s) [What is it with you women and Valentines?(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[I’m gonna take that as a no.<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 3s)[Well… maybe you’d like to watch a movie?<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 3.5s)[– as friends!<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 4s)[
[[I’d rather –]](stop:)]But nothing sappy!
(live: 2s) [No biggie. Hope you like animated films <3 <audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 4s)[Oh god. I walked myself into this death trap, didn’t I?(stop:)]
(live: 5s)[Yup haha.<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 6s)[
[[What was it about her and movies? ->movies]]
[[Is this a good idea..?]]
[[Not sure how I feel about this ->I’d rather –]](stop:)]I'd rather not - I'm good.
(live: 2s)[Oh. Well, too bad<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 3s)[No plans?(stop:)]
(live: 4.5s)[I was thinking it might be nice
to make some with an old friend...<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 6s)[Sarah, we have too much history.(stop:)]
(live: 7s)[I get where you're coming from.<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 8s)[Just thought it might be fun for old times sake.<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 10s)[Coffee sometime would be great.(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[Sure, if you manage to pry yourself from your work!<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[I'm sure we can find some time.
[[Enjoy your day! ->JamesRejectionEnd]](stop:)](set: $likeability to it +1)
She always loved movies her friends didn't - and used that as an excuse to drag me along.
Most of them were quite alright. She always had a game plan to keep me from walking out from boredom too.
Well, her company was always something to look forward to. A breath of fresh air. A nice change from the other women...
(live: 3s) [Alright, well. See you then!<audio src= "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Notification.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 5s) [The ping brings a smile to your lips and you decide to get back to work. Surely you can whip up something in a day.
[[The next day]](stop:)]Maybe I should make some plans for Valentine's...
Women take that commitment a little too seriously though.
It's just another day.
Last year was great though.
You smile to yourself. It was, wasn't it?
[[It's worth thinking about next year ->Start]]The though crosses your mind, but it's been a long time since you've seen Sarah.
Well, her company was always something to look forward to. A breath of fresh air. A nice change from the other women...
(live: 3s) [Alright, well. See you then!<audio src= "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Notification.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 5s)[The ping brings a smile to your lips and you decide to get back to work. Surely you can whip up something in a day.
[[The next day]](stop:)]You start the day with a kick of caffeine and look out.
Beautiful day, no work and a date tomorrow...
I wonder if I should get some flowers or chocolates –
Right, that might give her the wrong impression.
Tea lights are innocent enough, aren't they?
[[Old habits die hard]]
[[This… isn’t a date.]]Tea lights it is.
(if: $likeability is >0) [I wonder if - You cut off the thought before it could take root.]
You're happy to see Sarah.
This is your chance to catch up with her.
After all, she doesn't want -
I’m getting in my own head.
To take your mind off of dark thoughts, you decide to go out shopping. Might as well meal prep if nothing else right?
[[Go shopping]]Despite deciding not to, you set up the tea lights.
You're happy to see Sarah.
This is your chance to catch up with her.
After all, she doesn't want -
I’m getting in my own head. For no reason.
To take your mind off of dark thoughts, you decide to go out shopping. Might as well make a great meal if nothing else, right?
[[Go shopping]]You walk through the isles of the supermarket and find yourself stumped for the first time in a long time.
Can't go wrong with steak... but, maybe a pasta would be better...?
I'm overthinking this, aren't I?
What time did we agree on again- right. We didn't.
[[Text Sarah]]
[[Call Sarah]]Hey, we doing dinner or...?
(live: 7s)[Hey!<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 8s)[Em, dinner...?<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 10s)[I might get late - the new shift is terrible.<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[Anything you'd like?(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[A stiff drink.<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[Jokes apart, I'm not fussed.<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 15s)[Anything you'd like me to bring??<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 16s)[Takeout if you'd like?(stop:)]
(live: 18s)[I'll break out the snackies.(stop:)]
(live: 21s)[Sounds great!<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 22s)[See you tomorrow <3 <audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 24s)[
[[God, she's still cute as ever]]
[[Right, snacks.]](stop:)](set: $likeability to it +1)
The line rings for the longest time, then dies out.
(live: 3s)[Right, she's probably at work.(stop:)]
(live: 4s)[Hey, we doing dinner or...?(stop:)]
(live: 7s)[Hey!<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 8s)[Em, dinner...?<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 10s)[I might get late - the new shift is terrible.<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 11s)[Anything you'd like?(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[A stiff drink.<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[Jokes apart, I'm not fussed.<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 15s)[Anything you'd like me to bring??<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 16s)[Takeout if you'd like?(stop:)]
(live: 18s)[I'll break out the snackies.(stop:)]
(live: 21s)[Sounds great!<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 22s)[See you tomorrow <3 <audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 24s)[
[[God, she's still cute as ever]]
[[Right, snacks.]](stop:)](set: $likeability to it +1)
You find yourself grinning at your phone like a fool and shake your head.
Snacks and some dinner to start with then
You look around the shelves, recalling that she loved sweet things.
Picking out the snacks you remember seeing her eat or carry at some point, you start loading the cart, tossing in some of your favourites.
(set: $favfood to true)
After loading the cart with more snacks than necessary, you toss in the steak you were tempted by earlier.
[[I hope she likes the surprise]]
[[Head on to the till]]You look around the shelves, vaguely recalling she loved sweet things.
Well, looks like being misunderstood is on today's menu.
(set: $gaslighting to it +1)
After loading the cart with more snacks than necessary, you toss in the steak you were tempted by earlier.
Somehow as you find yourself at the till, you find more items than necessary in your cart.
Not for the first time you think about the sort of effect she has on you.
[[Time to head home then]]She had mentioned a drink hadn't she?
For a girl who drinks sickly sweet alcohol, she certainly did hold her liquor well.
Bottle of gin might be welcome.
A bottle of whisky for me - Perhaps some mixer as well.
As you pass by the aisle for milk, you notice plant based varieties of milk. You pick up a carton just in case.
(set: $plantmilk to true)
[[Head on to the till]]Somehow as you find yourself at the till, you find more items than necessary in your cart.
Not for the first time you think about the sort of effect she has on you.
You make your purchases and head home in the rain, returning with a broody feeling.
After putting the shopping away and putting some scran together, you relax to an old football match.
Cold beer, good scran and a great match.
Not a bad way to end the day at all.
[[Date night]]You make your purchases and head home in the rain, returning with a broody feeling.
After putting the shopping away and putting some scran together, you relax to an old football match.
Cold beer, good scran and a great match.
Not a bad way to end the day at all.
Tomorrow should be interesting.
(set: $gaslighting to it +1)
[[D-day night ->Date night]]The day practically drags on.
The time it took to get to the evening was an eternity.
You've cleaned the house at least twice by now.
You feel surprisingly anxious about seeing your 'old' friend.
In your boredom, you ended up cooking...
cooking some more...
and then a lot more.
(if: $likeability >= 2)[The smell of melted butter reminds you of the saltiness you had licked off her fingers at the theatre. You wonder if that's why you were cooking so much.]
‘Sarah is typing’ <audio src= "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/Notification.mp3" autoplay>
[[She’s cancelling, isn’t she?]]
(if: $gaslighting >=2)[ [[Now what?]] ]==>
Hey bud, I’m running a wee bit late. <audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>
(live: 1s)[Just. Work. Ugh.<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 3s)[K. Lemme know when you’re heading out(stop:)]
(live: 4s)[Will do. you got it!<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 6s)[Btw need anything from the shop?<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 8s)[We’ve got enough food to last 3 of your monstrosities.(stop:)]
(live: 10s)[Hey. You sat through them! <audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[I fell asleep and you didn’t, remember?? 😉<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 13s)[My defence is it was Star Wars.(stop:)]
(live: 15s)[Funny, that was my defence as well.<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 16s)[Are you quite done?(stop:)]
(live: 17s)[Teasing you? Nah.<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 18s)[You can still handle it no?<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 20s)[You know what, don’t come(stop:)]
(live: 21s)[Ehhhh?! Don’t be like that James!!!<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 22s)[. . . . .(stop:)]
(live: 25s)[Fine, fine, I’ll stop. See you in a bit.<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 26s)[You’re no fun. Hmph.<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 27s)[
[[A couple hours later]](stop:)]==>
Hey bud, I've got some bad news.
(live: 1s)[I... can't make it. <audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 2s)[I'm so sorry!<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 4s)[You could've told me earlier(stop:)]
(live: 6s)[Like I said, I'm really really sorry!<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 8s)[I did want to catch a movie with you.<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 10s)[Why don't you admit you thought it was a terrible idea?(stop:)]
(live: 12s)[I- I'm not sure what to say to that...<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 15s)[If you cared at all, you'd have said something.(stop:)]
(live: 17s)[Forget it. You were always like this.(stop:)]
(live: 18s)[James, please -<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 20s)[Don't bother. I'll make sure to have [[plans next year. ->Start]](stop:)]
(live: 21s)[James, you know me!<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 22s)[Do I?(stop:)]
(live: 24s)[I- I'll talk to you some other time... <audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 25s)[I need to get back to work.<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 28s)[I'm really sorry James.<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 35s)[I... I really wanted to make it.<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]
(live: 55s)[I've missed you...<audio src = "https://designyoukai.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/MessageAlert.mp3" autoplay>(stop:)]//Hey you!//
You smile down at the petite woman and open your arms.
She smiles back, extends her arms for the bear hug, and as you move back, kisses your cheeks.
You linger a little longer than she expected and she looks to you for an answer.
You want to comment on her appearance. She looks great, but her quizzical look has you choke on your words and you step aside to let her in.
She walks in, a mixture of vanilla and spices as she walks past before standing awkwardly for a moment and looking around.
You notice she's brought something as well.
[[Help her with her coat]]
[[lighten her load]]//Haha. I appreciate the help, but I need to put this somewhere first.
You really didn’t need to –
Hey. Rule 1 – never come to a party empty-handed.
I taught you that, didn’t I?
Never forgot it!//
There’s a short but amicable silence as she gets comfortable, shedding the layers as you place the bag she brought on the counter.
She catches your gaze.
//Haha what’s up? Haven’t seen a woman in that long?
Yeah, might be a bit too long for my baser instincts.
Oh dear, should I be leaving then?
I’m not an animal, you know that.
Eeeeeh I dunno.//
You choke on your laughter in disbelief and give her a scandalised look.
//Well, if you can keep your grubby paws to yourself I’ll stay haha//
You raise your hands and walk into the dining area, knowing she’ll follow.
//Yes yes oh great miss self control
Oooh, smells great – anything for me?
[[Tease her]]
[[Answer her]] //
//Thank you.
You really didn’t need to –
Rule 1 – never come to a party empty-handed.
I taught you that, didn’t I?
There’s a short but amicable silence as she gets comfortable, shedding the layers as you place the bag she brought on the counter.
She catches your gaze.
//What’s up? Haven’t seen a woman in that long?
Yeah, might be a bit too long for my baser instincts.
Oh dear, should I be leaving then?
I’m not an animal, you know that.
Eeeeeh I dunno.//
You choke on your laughter in disbelief and give her a scandalised look.
//Well, if you can keep your grubby paws to yourself I’ll stay haha//
You raise your hands and walk into the dining area, knowing she’ll follow.
//Yes yes oh great lord
Oooh, smells great – anything for me?
[[Tease her]]
[[Answer her]] ////Well, if you don’t mind being poisoned over your Chinese takeout, yes.
What? You were always great in the kitchen – what –
She sees the mischievous look on your face
Oh you – she shakes her head. You got me there.
I’d appreciate a helping of what you’re having then.
Help yourself, you know where everything is.
Ugh. Is it too much to ask you to pamper me for a bit? I worked so hard today!//
She gives you a pitiful look.
//Look at you, you poor puppy -
Fine, set up the TV, I’ll bring the food.
Thank you//
She practically chirps back and you know she had you wrapped around her finger. No- she still has you wrapped around her finger.
//Hey uh- should I be concerned about the vibe in the room?//
The tea lights!
[[Afraid of a little light? ->Brush off]]
[[Just switch them off if it bothers you ->Lights off]]//Of course.
I’d appreciate a helping of what you’re having then.
Help yourself, you know where everything is.
Ugh. Is it too much to ask you to pamper me for a bit? I worked so hard today!//
She gives you a pitiful look.
//Look at you, you poor puppy -
Fine, set up the TV, I’ll bring the food.
Thank you//
She practically chirps back and you know she had you wrapped around her finger. No- she still has you wrapped around her finger.
//Hey uh- should I be concerned about the vibe in the room?//
The tea lights!
[[Afraid of a little light? ->Brush off]]
[[Just switch them off if it bothers you ->Lights off]]You don’t hear anything for a moment, then the fall of her feet as she presumably hops around the room setting up the tv. You start to plate a meal when you hear a dull thud followed by a few more thuds and a yelp.
//Everything’s fine! Nothing broke…
What do you mean yet?!
It’s fine – don’t worry//
You begin to wonder not just about your emotional state, but now about your house as well. She was a little clumsy certainly - who are you kidding?
You should hurry in there and prevent her from bruising herself any further.
You walk into the room, two plates in hand and find the room completely reorganised. The couch is on its side and Sarah pops up from underneath a mess of blankets.
What in the world…
//Hehe – remember that little blanket fort date night idea I had?//
You nod uncertainly, unsure where this is going
//Well, what better place or time than now!
Right, where should I be?
Here silly. Come round, I laid down some towels for the food.//
You walk round and find a cozy little nook created with the blankets and throws that were in the room. Sarah sits peacefully with her back leaning against the couch, inviting you to sit in the space beside her. The lighting is soft. You study her for a moment.
[[Here’s the food]](set: $gaslighting to it +1)
You don’t hear anything for a moment, then the fall of her feet as she presumably hops around the room setting up the tv. You start to plate a meal when you hear a dull thud followed by a few more thuds and a yelp.
//Everything’s fine! Nothing broke…
What do you mean yet?!
It’s fine – don’t worry//
You begin to wonder not just about your emotional state, but now about your house as well. She was a little clumsy certainly - who are you kidding?
You should hurry in there and prevent her from bruising herself any further.
You walk into the room, two plates in hand and find the room completely reorganised. The couch is on its side and Sarah pops up from underneath a mess of blankets.
What in the world…
//Hehe – remember that little blanket fort date night idea I had?//
You nod uncertainly, unsure where this is going
//Well, what better place or time than now!
Right, where should I be?
Here silly. Come round, I laid down some towels for the food.//
You walk round and find a cozy little nook created with the blankets and throws that were in the room. Sarah sits peacefully with her back leaning against the couch, inviting you to sit in the space beside her. The lighting is soft. You study her for a moment.
[[Here’s the food]]Sarah looks wide-eyed for a moment and turns away, clearly flushed. I set the plates down carefully and imitated her. I felt like a nervous teenager again. I wanted to hold her hand, hold . . . her.
(if: $likeability is >1)[You decide to test your luck, and hold your arms out. She looks at you for a moment before settling into your side. You feel her warmth and her freezing cold toes as she places them on your sock-clad feet.
//Good god! What are you? A reptile?!//
She laughs good-naturedly and looks for a higher spot on your leg with great amusement.
//Okay get off me you lizard//
You playfully roll her away and she giggles on the floor. You smile at her, reminded of a simpler time with her.]
//So, what are we watching?
Right! you have an infinite number of choices!
You-didn’t pick out a movie, did you?
Hehehe nope!
What were you thinking?
Lord of the rings?
That's a whole 13 hours...
Ugh. When’s the last time you had fun hm?
Well, if a certain dessert was on offer...//
Sarah looks blank for a moment. She chokes and coughs the next moment. She looks uncomfortable.
[[Skip over the joke]]//So, what are we watching?
Right! you have an infinite number of choices!
You-didn’t pick out a movie, did you?
(if: $gaslighting >=2)[You did this all the time.]
What were you thinking?
Lord of the rings?
That's a whole 13 hours...
Ugh. When’s the last time you had fun hm?
Well, if a certain dessert was on offer...//
Sarah looks blank for a moment. She chokes and coughs the next moment. She looks uncomfortable.
[[Skip over the joke]]//Ha- em, I think I’m gonna leave after one movie.
Wouldn’t want you to get in trouble you know…
I-I do apologise. Couch is on offer if you’d like to crash for the night.
I’ll think about it.//
She sits away from you, the intimacy exchanged for a heavy silence. You hit a few more buttons and the movie starts. You both eat in silence. The movie covers the uncomfortable silence, and muffles the clinking of cutlery on the plates.
//Ahem. You know what, I think I need a drink.
You mind?//
You shrug in response.
//Wellll, too bad I know where your stash is haha.
Unless you moved it…//
You chuckle as she leaves the site. She returns eventually with several bottles, two glasses (if: $likeability >1)[and a plate]. Your favourite whiskey glass and her old gin glass. She pours out the drinks and hands you yours.
(if: $likeability >1)[She sets the plate down and you look at some strangely shaped cookies.
//Dessert, very nice
What! No- it's elvish bread!!
Okay I’m impressed.
Hehe. As you should be. It tastes really nice.
I bet it does.//]
//Also, don’t feel pressured at all hm?
Of what?
I mean, I can drink you under the table. No need to feel any pressure.//
[[Down your drink]]
[[Take a sip]]//Ha- em, I think I’m gonna leave after one movie.
Wouldn’t want you to get in trouble-
Couch is on offer if you’d like to crash for the night.
I’ll think about it.//
She sits away from you, the intimacy exchanged for a heavy silence. You hit a few more buttons and the movie starts. You both eat in silence. The movie covers the uncomfortable silence, and muffles the clinking of cutlery on the plates.
//Surely as a man I can make such a joke!
(set: $gaslighting to it +1)
Ahem. You know what, I think I need a drink.
You mind?//
You shrug in response.
//Wellll, too bad I know where your stash is haha.//
You chuckle as she leaves the site. She returns eventually with several bottles, two glasses (if: $likeability >=2)[and a plate]. Your favourite whiskey glass and her old gin glass. She pours out the drinks and hands you yours.
(if: $likeability >=2)[She sets the plate down and you look at some strangely shaped cookies.
//Dessert, very nice
What! No- it's elvish bread!!
Okay I’m impressed.
Hehe. As you should be. It tastes really nice.
I bet it does.//]
//Also, don’t feel pressured at all hm?
Of what?
I mean, I can drink you under the table. No need to feel any pressure.//
[[Down your drink]]
[[Take a sip]]You down your drink and all but splutter in surprise halfway through.
//Apple juice?!//
She laughs and nudges the whiskey in your direction.
//I wouldn’t dare to mix your drink and be accused of making it too strong for you.//
She winks, giggles, takes a sip of her drink and relaxes against the couch.
You start to pour your drink and think about what alcohol does to the both of you.
(if: $gaslighting <2) [It’ll be fine]
(if: $gaslighting >=2) [Might be better to drink light]
You clink your glass with her and sit back to enjoy the movie. Eventually, Sarah starts to look drowsy. She stretches for a moment, then rolls her neck.
(if: $likeability <2) [//Bed?//
She shakes her head, clearly trying to fight off her sleepiness.
(if: $likeability >=2) [//Need a cuddle?//
She smiles and curls up against you. Her focus is clearly on the movie, but you’re extremely aware of the warm vanilla scented girl tucked into your arm. Not for the first time you wonder how she smells so good. She yawns and you open out the blanket by your side and cover her with it.
//You were always so good to me.//
You stroke her silky hair and she tucks her face into the crook of your neck.
//I certainly hope the waterworks aren’t about to begin//
She jerks away from you to give you a pouty look and you see unshed tears in her eyes. She then gives you a high and mighty harrumph and settles back into your side, full focus on the movie.
[[Comfort her]] ]You take a sip and splutter in surprise.
//Apple juice?!//
She laughs and nudges the whiskey in your direction.
//I wouldn’t dare to mix your drink and be accused of making it too strong for you.//
She winks, giggles, takes a sip of her drink and relaxes against the couch. You start to pour your drink and think about what alcohol does to the both of you.
(if: $gaslighting <2) [It’ll be fine]
(if: $gaslighting >=2) [Might be better to drink light]
You clink your glass with her and sit back to enjoy the movie. Eventually, Sarah starts to look drowsy. She stretches for a moment, then rolls her neck.
(if: $likeability <2) [//Bed?//
She shakes her head, clearly trying to fight off her sleepiness.
(if: $likeability >=2) [//Need a cuddle?//
She smiles and curls up against you. Her focus is clearly on the movie, but you’re extremely aware of the warm vanilla scented girl tucked into your arm. Not for the first time you wonder how she smells so good. She yawns and you open out the blanket by your side and cover her with it.
//You were always so good to me.//
You stroke her silky hair and she tucks her face into the crook of your neck.
//I certainly hope the waterworks aren’t about to begin//
She jerks away from you to give you a pouty look and you see unshed tears in her eyes. She then gives you a high and mighty harrumph and settles back into your side, full focus on the movie.
[[Comfort her]] ](if: $likeability >= $gaslighting) [//Why did you leave?//]
(if: $likeability < $gaslighting) [You attempt to kiss her, when she pushes you away.]
//I-We went over this. //
She crosses her arms and makes to move when you hold her in place. You’re reminded once more of how tiny she is.
//Look maybe I should leave.
Its going to be hard to get a taxi now.
I have my car
Driving under the influence now are we?
There it was. That same tone she had used the first time she broached that subject.
[[Tell me]]
[[Don’t go]]You pick her up and settle her in your lap. She leans back and looks up at you with amusement.
//You’re making it hard to watch the movie you know.
Uh huh.//
She rolls her eyes at you and looks at you with the same expression that made you melt years ago. That defenceless trusting expression.
(if: $likeability >= $gaslighting) [//Why did you leave?//]
(if: $likeability < $gaslighting) [You attempt to kiss her, when she pushes you away.]
//I-We went over this. //
She crosses her arms and makes to move when you hold her in place. You’re reminded once more of how tiny she is.
//Look maybe I should leave.
Its going to be hard to get a taxi now.
I have my car
Driving under the influence now are we?
There it was. That same tone she had used the first time she broached that subject.
[[Tell me]]
(if: $likeability > $gaslighting)[ [[Don’t go]] ]//James, I loved you. I really did. I still do, just… in a different way.
Then why-
You didn’t.
You know that’s not true.
Of course, you were my priority back then.
James, what you and I wanted then were different.
And what about now?
What do you mean what about –
James, I- I didn’t come here to rekindle anything and I’m most certainly not going back to whatever it is we were back then.//
(if: $likeability <= $gaslighting)[//Then why did you come?
I knew I had asked it a little too harshly when she visibly flinched.
//I thought we could be good friends
Good… friends…?//
She cringed.
//James… if I meant anything to you, surely we would have been going strong.
I mean, if me telling you how I feel was enough for us to fall apart… why would you want us to try again?//
You pause, unsure what to say to her.
//But if there’s a chance all of that could change, wouldn’t you want to give us a second chance?
You’re being unfair.//
She sheds her tears and you wipe them away as she tries to even out her breathing.
//I’m not saying I’ll change, but, I can show you that I love you…?
James I-
Give me a chance tonight? Just this one night…?//
[[You’re really unfair]]
//Sarah I-// (if: $likeability > $gaslighting)[//is that really the truth?//
Sarah pauses for a moment and looks at you. She looks lost and hurt.
//Its just… you… love your work. She raises her hands. And I don’t resent that.
I love that you have amibition. But… I felt like one of the girls from your roster. The one that you call when you’re drunk and horny or…
She sighs then, holding herself. I didn’t think you’d ever love me the way I did you.
And… I know it freaked you out when I told you in as many words.
And I told you I didn’t want that.//
[[Sarah, just give me tonight, to change your mind. Please. ->Don’t go]]
]//James -
Come on, let’s go to bed, you're tired.
We can sleep and then talk about this in the morning, alright?//
You get Sarah as comfortable as you can, helping her change into one of your hoodies before cuddling her in bed.
//We're just going to sleep, alright?//
Sarah nods against your chest and its only after you wipe the last of her tears and she falls asleep that you do too.
Morning arrives and for the first time in a long time you find yourself smiling as you hold Sarah. You give her a kiss on the head and start to get out of bed when you find yourself stopped.
//Morning sleepyhead.
Mmm is it time to go to work already…?
I’m not sure – its 7
5 more minutes//
You smile in an amused manner and extricate yourself from the drowsy woman. Coffee is your first priority, followed by breakfast. Eventually, a sleepy Sarah finds you just as you finish plating.
//Your timing was always impeccable when it came to food you know.//
She chuckles lightly and hides her hands in your sleeves.
//Whens the last time you turned the heating on? Its cold// she manages mid yawn
//Well, when you have hot food and you’re a human oven, you don’t need heating.//
You sit down peacefully, coffee in hand and take a sip.
//I need a shower
You can join me after your shower//
She makes a noncommital sounds and leaves, returning in the same hoodie she had on earlier, freshly showered and smelling like you.
//You’re not stealing that.//
She gives you an odd look.
//Not sure I’d want to?
Its warm though. So its mine for now.//
She stretches once and collapses on the table
Here’s your hot chocolate and theres cereal if you’d like.
I’m good with the hot chocolate. Thanks.
I’ll um. Get to work then. In a bit…
Be out of your hair
Would you like biscuits with your drink?
I’m… good
I can drop you off before I need to-
I brought my car, I’ll drive, don’t worry.//
[[What’s wrong?]]You take Sarah to bed and make sure she knows how much you love her. Eventually she begs you stop and you both give in to sleep. You snuggle into Sarah and kiss her a few more times before finally giving in to sleep.
You're woken by the morning light and roll over to an empty bed.
Despite making a round of the house, you find not a thing that belonged to the petite woman that was here last night, besides the smell of her perfume.
You check your phone then, and find a few unread messages from Sarah.
Hey James, I'm really sorry I left the way I did. I just, needed to be by myself for a bit.
Thank you so much for last night, it was wonderful.
But I don't think I can go back to that time with you... nor would I want to.
I hope you understand, but I don't think we can be friends anymore.
I genuinely wanted to be a part of your life in some way, but, I don't think I can be a prt of it in the way you want me to be.
Take care James.
I... really do like you.
But this is goodbye.Sarah looks defensive almost then sighs and shakes her head. You give her an unconvinced look.
//We have a bit of time. Wanna see the sunrise?’
Is it still that early?//
She looks a little more chirpy and follows you quietly into the other room. You bring up the blinds and set up the sofa and a coffee table in front of it. You take a seat and find a warm bundle in your lap.
//You’d make a good pillow.
She chuckles as she looks out the window.
//Its beautiful. Do you sit here and watch the sunrise every once in a while?
Not as often as I’d like.
Do you even remember how to relax? //
You kiss her on the head. //Yeah yeah…//
She giggles and looks up at you. Her expression soft and open. Without thinking too much, you give her a little peck on her forehead and watch her flush a lovely shade of red. Her face stills for a moment, before a shade of sadness passes over.
//James… she shakes her head. I-
How long before you change your mind about all this?
Maybe we can talk about this when you’re back?//
She gives the sun a wistful glance then disappears briefly to change before returning to you.
//I-guess I’ll see you around?
Are you busy tonight?
I’ll be back late.
That’s fine//
Sarah looks conflicted.
//Then how about this? Take the day to think about it.
We can go for a takeout run in the night.
You can give me a call.//
She smiles and shrugs. //You make it sound like you’re sure I’m going to call.
I hope you do.
Then… I’m gonna go. //
You walk her to the door a little awkwardly and give her a hug goodbye.
She seems surprised, but returns the hug.
//[[See you tonight]]
Mm. Bye James.//You spend the day focused on your work. Once the work day ends, you find yourself working further into the night if only to keep yourself distracted.
You check your phone every so often, wondering what it is you’re hoping for. Every so often you wonder if you should give her a little nudge, ask what’s on her mind. For the first time you understand the frustration of being the person waiting for a response.
About half an hour later, your phone chirps. You ignore the chirp, responding to some of your friends online and sigh as you lean back in your chair.
Quite some time later, your phone rings. You practically dive for the device and answer within seconds.
‘Hey you!’
‘Are you off work?’
‘Same place?’
‘I’ll be there in 10’
‘Try not to break any traffic laws when you’re getting here’
‘I might break a few… shouldn’t keep a lady waiting, right?’
‘How about the bakery instead?’
‘Good choice’
‘See you soon James’
‘See you in a bit Sarah’
'I'm glad you called. I hope you had a great Valentines too.'
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