The Blog Page

I’ve been meaning to put together a space like this for some time now, inspired by the people I’ve met and brushed shoulders with, to speak to things I’ve seen and heard in the industry (without breaking NDAs), and so much more.

What are some of my favourite co-op games?
I’ve played quite a few games over the years, and as a default solo player, this was easier to answer than I thought. On the list are Borderlands 2, V-Rising and Palia!

What does narrative mean to me?
A question that’s been on my mind for some time now, and one that I realized doesn’t have the same meaning for everyone.
Side note: No, you don’t have to agree with what I said, but do take a moment to think about what narrative means to you!

Accessibility and design
A condensed blog on accessibility, with links to my research and what some amazing people are upto in the space!

the faq center

I’ve been asked some questions quite often now that I almost have a templated answer, unless of course, the answer itself is quite nuanced. Here’s the FAQs I’ve heard often enough that I decided to put them down!

FAQ: Are games fun to make?
A brief overview of what goes into making games. I’ll leave it to your opinion where you stand on the process being fun or not!
TLDR: My answer is yes!

FAQ: Why do you make games?
A question I’ve often been asked, and one I’ve never really thought about much.
TLDR: In the hope that it brings someone out there joy.

FAQ: I’m thinking about going for a game development course. Is it a good idea to go?
This post will likely be outdated by the time anyone gets to it, but what I will say is – if you’re interested in an area or field, show it! Make it! DO it!

FAQ: I’m planning to apply to x university. What should be in my application?
Well, long story short, show that you have an interest in the subject, a passion for it and some examples of what you’ve done!

FAQ: How did you get in the industry?
Something I’ve been asked a few times, and if it saves you some time, it involved a LOT of hard work. Can’t escape from that in this industry!

Coming soon –
FAQ: I’d like to join x company, what should be there in my portfolio?
This is always a tough one to answer because it depends – indie vs AAA, genre vs game, and I’ve attempted to answer this question as best I can.